(Order The Devil Out, Using The Name Of Jesus)
By Pastor Chris Oyakhilome
TO THE BIBLE: “And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.” (Mark 16:17-18)
Oftentimes, when there’s chaos, anarchy and turmoil in a place, many don’t realise that it’s the devil behind such negative activities. The wars that have ravaged many countries in the world were not merely the result of disagreements between one President and another; they were caused by demonic spirits. Those demonic spirits influenced certain people and caused them to make decisions that resulted in anarchy and war in those nations.
It wasn’t just the men or the armies of those nations that wanted war; there were demons behind the scenes, pulling the strings. This is the reason, as a Christian, you can’t afford to sit idly by or be complacent while the devil runs rampage in your nation. You need to learn not just to pray, but to pray the right way.
You also need to learn how to use the Name of Jesus to come against the demonic powers that lure people into chaos and fuel trouble in a nation and command them to quit.
You’ve been vested with all power and authority in heaven and the earth to subdue, dominate and take charge of your world. You’ve got the power to frustrate the devil and keep him under your feet. You’re not helpless at all. You’re the one in charge; you’ve got the authority to determine what happens in your life, in the lives of your loved ones, and your nation, by using the Name of Jesus.
Go Deeper: Luke 10:19; Philippians 2:9-10
Speak: Father, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I declare that there’s peace and stability within our borders, and your will is established in this nation. I come against the evil schemes and devices of the devil to cause chaos and anarchy of any kind in my country, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Daily Bible Reading: ONE YEAR 1 Thessalonians 5:1-28, Isaiah 42-43
TWO YEAR John 6:1-14, 1 Kings 22
Act: Get a copy of the book, “How To Pray Effectively,” and learn the different kinds of prayer you can pray in different situations